PHOTO: Miracle PR (Deputy Lieutenant Robin Barlow laying a wreath at Torquay’s Remembrance Service on 6th June 2024)



Between the 6th and 9th June, numerous D-Day events were held around Devon, commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day.





To start the commemorations, Brigadier Simon Young CBE DL (photographed middle) attended Plymouth’s D-Day Service on Thursday 6th June, where he lay a wreath alongside the Lord Mayor of Plymouth, Councillor Tina Tuohy, and the Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Pauline Murphy.





Brigadier Young continued the commemoration services in Plymouth, by attending a Commemorative D-Day Beacon Lighting the same evening. In attendance alongside Brigadier Young was The High Sheriff of Devon, Commodore Jake Moores OBE DL, as well as the Lord Mayor and Deputy Lord Mayor of Plymouth.





Deputy Lieutenant Nick Powe DL (photographed middle) attended Brixham’s D-Day Parade on 6th June.






Mr Powe was then invited to cut a D-Day cake at a Reception held after the parade.





On Saturday 8th June, the main street in Beer, East Devon, was the finishing line for a group of Royal Marines who were set the challenge of yomping 12 miles along the coastline from Ladrum Bay to St Michaels Church in Fore Street.


This was to mark the 80th anniversary of the landing of 47 Commando on D Day on Gold Beach. Despite taking heavy casualties even before reaching the beach, 47 Commando fought their way to Port-en-Bessin, taking the strategic point the next day but with 46 killed and 70 wounded.


Over 30 marines took part in this event taking the salute from Deputy Lieutenant Robin Barlow DL, representing The Lieutenancy, with Rear Admiral Chris Snow CBE DL, the Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Devon, also in attendance.


A reception was held in the church hall with guest of honour Joe Randall (RAF), D Day veteran, approaching his 101st birthday.





On Sunday 9th June, Deputy Lieutenant Robin Barlow DL attended Brixham’s Commemorative Church Service. Photographed in the photo from left to right is John Brennan (Birxham Future CIC), Jonathan Parr (President Royal British Legion), Martyn Hodge (Chaplin, Royal British Legion), Robin Barlow DL (Deputy Lieutenant of Devon), Gareth Rattler (Chair, Royal British Legion), and Anthony Mangnall.